Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Brisbane and Byron Bay

Text to follow..

Don't know what this bird is but it's common in park areas, like pigeons, but cooler.

Penis tree.  Not the official name but it should be...

Brisbane city man made beach

Goana in the park

Byron Bay.  I really don't know what the angle is on "White Lady Funerals"

A walk along the shore at Byron Bay

Free bike rentals at our hostel.  Sweet.

Too freaking cute.

Yes I pet him but I was alone and it was pouring rain so getting a shot of that was near impossible.

Tasmanian Devil about to take a crap.

Kangaroo and her joey

Koala and her joey

Sharp claws on this little one

Saltwater croc


  1. I <3 the Koala picture of you!

    Is that black animal the Tasmania Devil?

  2. Yes, the snarling min-beast is a Tasmania Devil. He was about to take a crap, which is why I caught him standing still. :-)

  3. Please tell me you learned to play the didgeridoo?!?!

    1. Nope, haven't learned top play but I've seen a bunch. Also have not been to the proper Outback yet...
