Friday, November 18, 2011


Needless to say my morning was filled with ansgt.  Is that an English word?  I can´t tell the difference anymore between the two languages (now it´s time to stretch the hofteboejer...).

After a lovely send off with phone calls and a nice beer and lots of hugs with sweet Anne-Sophie at the airport, the anxiety took over and the crying ensued.  It didn´t get much better after take off.  But the nice flight attendant who took care of me mentioned to the pilots that I was scared and they invited me to the cockpit to hang out.  I´ve sat up there before but never quite realized how much the view looks like a very tall cruise ship sailing on a sea of calm but white capped waves (really trying not the make a titanic reference here).  They were making jokes about not getting along and drinking on the job.  But not tastelss like you might think. :-)

They liked me so much  they invited me to join them in the cockpit for the landing.  Despite being so freaked out about flying, it was freaking awesome!

I even got to film the landing but none of you will ever see it cause my camera disappeared somewhere in the rush to pick up my stuff after landing, in between the cleaning crew came in.  I filed a claim with lost and found but I don´t plan on ever seeing it again.  Which sucks.  But that´s just a good excuse to find a better one in Buenos Aires.

1 comment:

  1. SO jealous! About it all really, but to be in the cockpit for the landing?? What an awesome way to begin your trip!!
